Suchergebnisse - "A12"

Holder A12 Umbau Diesen spektakulären Umbau habe ich bei ebay entdeckt. Herkunft leider unbekannt. Wer hat diesen Umbau erworben?

Holder A12 Umbau RückansichtDiesen spektakulären Umbau habe ich bei ebay entdeckt. Herkunft leider unbekannt. Wer hat diesen Umbau erworben?

Holder A12

Holder A12 CutitracI got this picture from Israel and it shows a resraurated A12 in a perfect condition. Thank you Dr. Kamal for this very nice picture!

Holder A12 im Wingert bei der ArbeitHier ist Gerhard Cramer auf dem Holder A 12 zu sehen. Dieses Foto stammt aus dem Holder-Kalender von 1962

Holder A12

Holder A12

Holder A12

Holder A12

Holder A12

Holder Kundendienst WachenheimHier sind einige meiner ehemaligen Kollegen zu sehen. Im Hintergrund unser LKW und ein Holder A12

Holder A12Diese Fotos hat mir Mark Susbauer aus Oregon USA gesendet. Es zeigt den Holder A12 vor der Restaurierung, die er sich für den Winter vorgenommen hat. Zur Geschichte des Traktors schrieb er mir:
A little background on the A-12 I have just acquired. According to the ID plate it was manufactured in 1962. A nursery company here in Oregon imported these tractors in the late 1950's and early 60's for use for cultivating nursery stock.
Later small Kubota tractors came in to the USA so the nursery co started using those. A friend of mine acquired this A-12 from a fellow that had bought several from the nursery company when they stopped using them. I saw this tractor about 4 years and really wanted it . I had always wanted a tractor to restore but wanted something unique and different than the usual American tractors such as John Deere or International Harvester. Finally after waiting over 4 years my friend agreed to sell it to me.
I am now the proud owner and would like to restore it for showing at tractor shows. It runs however smokes and vibrates and seems to lack power. The general condition of the tractor itself is pretty good. [...]
Thanks again, Mark

Holder A12Diese Fotos hat mir Mark Susbauer aus Oregon USA gesendet. Es zeigt ihn mit seinem Sohn kurz nach dem Kauf seines Holder A12 im Regen. Zur Geschichte des Traktors schrieb er mir:
A little background on the A-12 I have just acquired. According to the ID plate it was manufactured in 1962. A nursery company here in Oregon imported these tractors in the late 1950's and early 60's for use for cultivating nursery stock.
Later small Kubota tractors came in to the USA so the nursery co started using those. A friend of mine acquired this A-12 from a fellow that had bought several from the nursery company when they stopped using them. I saw this tractor about 4 years and really wanted it . I had always wanted a tractor to restore but wanted something unique and different than the usual American tractors such as John Deere or International Harvester. Finally after waiting over 4 years my friend agreed to sell it to me.
I am now the proud owner and would like to restore it for showing at tractor shows. It runs however smokes and vibrates and seems to lack power. The general condition of the tractor itself is pretty good. [...]
Thanks again, Mark

Holder A12Baujahr 1959

The naked Holder 1Holder A12 Bj 1958 - Vorserie

The naked Holder 2Die Fotos wurden bei einer Ausfahrt geschossen

The naked Holder 3Der aufwändige Hydraulik ist unbekannten Ursprungs, aber funktionsfähig (2x bidirektional nach hinten + Oberlenker, 1x Fronthydraulik zum Heben eines Schneeschildes) - Fans von Star Trek würden in diesem Fahrzeug den "Ur-Borg" sehen

The naked Holder 4einfach genießen

Holder A12 Umbau

Holder A12 Umbau

Holder A12 Umbau

Holder A12 Umbau

Holder A12 Umbau

Holder A12 Umbau